Sometimes I wish my co-workers were robots
Originally posted on October 5th 2010
If only I could go to work and not have to worry about how others perceive me and vice-versa. Egos, assumptions (‘what do you really mean by that?’), can be physically and mentally exhausting.
Like today, I finally had it with a co-worker. I assumed that she was telling me how to design -an assumption I now feel is true, and that pissed me off. Its been going on for awhile now, but I’ve been ‘handling it’ by doing what she says. Even when she told me to write down exactly what she said and repeat it to her. I mean, seriously, how the hell did I end up in this position? (Cough) Corporation
So yeah, I raised my voice when she starts in with the ‘this is how you design’ crap. Its not that I’m not a team player, its just that I’m on the wrong team.
Stupid humanity and feelings.