
Originally published on March 19th, 2011

Ranting. Here’s the thing. Most feel the same way.

Life shouldn’t be so complicated. We get caught up in our own insecurities so much that the big picture gets lost.

We stop working with each other. We stop listening. We stop thinking.

Doesn’t that make us less than the people we should be?

When did we start seeing life as less than a large playground of potential and growth —one so linear?

How have we let politics keep us from progress? We’re a society which is unable to grow because we can’t see what’s truly important. Our ego makes the world so small that we feel confined and restricted.

I don’t understand politics, and why work stress, why political tip toeing exists to the point that we fear others as much as we fear losing our lives.

We are so much larger than our work. Work should enable us to progress the human race, not be subjected to it.

Take risks. You’ll fail, you’ll look like an ass, you may even lose your job, but you won’t lose your soul.

I see so much potential in every individual to contribute. I know people are asking the same questions that I am. You only have one chance, one lifetime to make a difference. Don’t waste it blindly following someone else’s agenda if you can’t invest yourself in it.

Don’t accept ‘It is what it is’, or as the Japanese would say ‘shogunai’. Look past the ‘barriers’ there’s always a way out.

What are you afraid of?


Post Mortem: Nexus S microsite


(You know who you are), this is for you