Rant: Nokia, the case of no clue

Originally published on August 13, 2010

Nokia is making a serious mistake in refusing to use established platforms such as Android. It is a simple fact that developers would rather not have to learn a new language to publish for a limited set of users. It’s true that Nokia has a huge share of the European market, but this is sure to change due towards their arrogance (view article link where Nokia VP mentions that adopting Android would negatively affect Nokia’s ‘destiny’). Seriously, what is MeeGo and why would anyone want to develop for it when Android has been adopted by hundreds of companies world-wide? This is clearly a case where VP’s of companies don’t have a clue of what’s going on in the current market. It doesn’t take a business degree to know that this is going to be a major mistake. No wonder why their CEO is being ousted. Too bad their VPs aren’t any better.


Fear and the Yes Man


Android, the people platform