Leadership from a junior designer
Originally pubished on May 19, 2010
I wrote this back in 2000 when I was still a ‘fresh out of school’ designer. Its interesting to re-read my perspective from an older point of view. It definitely gives some insight when it comes to growing others.
“People need something to believe in. Whether it comes from inner strength or the motivating characteristics of those around them, the human psyche, in order to grow and evolve, has to first believe that they can succeed and grow towards something great. We have come to believe that we live in a world in which the strong survive. It is a world that can be conquered only by those who have a strong belief in themselves and the people who work with them to achieve their goals. It is a world in which strong leadership and teamwork create and follow through the goals that change the world in which we live. It is the job of the leader, to maintain focus and push the morale of his coworkers. It is also the job of the leader, to direct others into believing in themselves and their common goals in order to succeed.
As a company continues to grow, their people and their leadership abilities must continue to grow as well. An effective way for people to develop their leadership skills is by learning from the experiences of their peers.”